Author: jennifer

  • New Year Resolutions…..not so much

    When midnight strikes we all look forward to the promise of a new year. A promise that we will have more of what was wonderful in our lives and less of what pained us in the old year. We promise ourselves that this year things will be different. This will be the year we finally…

  • Where have you been?

    Just might be the question you have been asking if you’ve come to my site anytime in the last few months. Well, I’m here to tell you I have not fallen off the face of the earth. Instead I have been focused on a new chapter in my life. In September 2013, I launched the…

  • Speaker Interviews: Educating for Success Home Business Conference Day 1

    As you all know, I am in Huntsville, AL at Rhea Perry’s Educating for Success Home Business Conference. While I am one of the speakers, I wanted to do more to show the attendees how easy and fun audio and video can be at events. So, I am hosting a Social Media Lounge and interviewing…

  • San Antonio to New Orleans #SMPBT

    Today was the start of my journey. But before I could log one mile of the 1, 929 miles, I had to talk to the woman who is the founder and visionary behind Educating For Success.  For the last 13 years Rhea Perry has used her online community and annual events to help homeschooling families and…

  • Social Media Powered Business Trip Part Deux

    One of the things I really like to do with social media is to highlight fun and creative ways it can be used for business. I think it helps to drive home how easy it really is to use the social platforms and their mobile tools to share your messaging regardless of where you are…

  • Social Media, Clients and My Philosophy

    As you all know, I am what I call a Social Media Gal. What that means for me is I get to work and play in this space for a living. What I enjoy most is sharing my knowledge with others through both community events and client interaction. Seeing those light bulb moments happen when…

  • The passage of time

    [color-box]Oh how the mighty have become busy…and lazy…but mostly busy.[/color-box]

  • Still Here

    Just in case you were wondering…  

  • RISE Austin 2011 Video Interview

    Today I decided to do something I haven’t done in a while. Google myself. Now while that sounds like it might be something you do behind closed doors, it really isn’t. Everyone should Google themselves. Simply type your name in the search bar of your browser to see the results of your online activity aka…

  • Twitter Testimonial Tip

    We all know that testimonials can be powerful tools for our business. So what are you doing with them after the first excitement wears off? One of the techniques I encourage folks to use when creating their Editorial Calendar is to share testimonials from satisfied clients. Your clients who have taken the time to let…