Category: Projects
Preliminary Sound Booth Test
I spent some time today looking at DIY Sound Booth sites. I also spent time checking out some of the pro sound proof material. The things folks use to create a sound booth ran the gamut from carpet to duvets to specialty foam/mat boards. It could be free, using items from around the house or…
Clutter Cleared!
I said I would clear out my closet to make room for a sound booth by today. The closet was cleared by 7pm. I also said I would clear off my desk by today. The desk was cleared about 15 minutes ago. It has been a tough 3 days. It was in fact more difficult…
Clearing out the clutter
With 2007 winding down it’s time to reflect about the years events and consider upcoming 2008. Once of the things that will help bring 2007 to a close and prepare me to dive into 2008 will be to clear out the clutter. By nature I’m a stacker. I have stacks and piles of things in…
A New Month and New Projects Underway
With the beginning of a new month, I’m beginning a new project utilizing the NaPodPoMo template. Just tacking the project bit by bit, day by day. Play mp3 Feed P. S. The background excitement is courtesy of my World of WarCraft gaming son. 😀