As you know, I am pretty active in the online community as it relates to Social Media. For the most part it has been a way to keep in touch with folks I’ve met at various conferences/camps. We share what we’re doing via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and belong to podcasting/videoblogging/new media groups to inform, educate and enlighten one another. The ability to communicate with folks who share my passion for the New Media and understand where I’m coming from has been priceless. Being able to be with folks who ‘get me’ regardless if it’s online or in person for me has been an invaluable part of the New Media journey.
Not only that, but the folks who are on this journey with me happen to be some of the most generous folks you’ll ever meet. Case in point, recently I made a Twitter post in regards to Tropical Storm Erin making it’s way to the Rio Grand Valley and my concern about a property needing care. I was pleasantly surprised to received two offers of help from folks who live in that region. Now mind you these folks aren’t family and one of them I’ve never even met. This reinforced my belief in the kindness and generosity of the online community.
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