- Feast Patriots 28 Tribe Warriors 0 at the end of the 1st quarter. #
- Just finished eating dinner with @hrbabe, @jackieadame, @sacynic & John. Full and satisfied. #
- Good morning! Getting ready to head out the door for AIR San Antonio. #
- I’m looking forward to tonight’s mixer with Chris Heuer & Kristi Wells. Why not join the fun? http://smccentraltexas.eventbrite.com #
- AIR San Antonio is off to a great start. The teams are working hard with their non-profit partners. Great job Sharon, Susan & Todd #
- @BryanPerson: 90 degrees in the Fall? Welcome to Texas! #
- Please tag all AIR San Antonio posts, pics and video as #airsa08 kthxby 🙂 #
- @cliffordsound: Hydration! Hope you feel better. Thanks for taking part in the MS150. #
- @shelleyrae: Welcome to the Twitter fun! It was great to meet you at AIR San Antonio. See you tonight at SMC Mixer in San Marcos. #
- We’re carpooling it to San Marcos for the Social Media Club mixer. Being green, sharing gas expense, lowering our carbon footprint and stuff #
- @marismith: You can also purchase from an AT&T store. Yes, only AT&T service unless you jail break and use it with your existing carrier. #
- Juan got us here quickly. So we’re awaiting a cold beverage to quench our thirst. Meet us at Tres Hermanos #
- @Springanew: cool. We’ll see you in a bit. #
- Sitting down to dinner with @chrisheuer , @bryanperson, @scottallen, @conniereece, @kristiwells, mikechapman, springanew, @pandaran #
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