Author: jennifer

  • Twitter Spaces 101 Series

     TWITTER SPACES 101 – GETTING STARTED: How to find Spaces in the mobile app. Walk through of all the basic features: – Sharing – Emojis – Speaker and Attendee list – Captions This video tutorial is part one of a live audio series which will cover Twitter Spaces, Clubhouse, Facebook’s upcoming audio portfolio, and…

  • Walk Talk Challenge

    The Walk and Talk Challenge is for Women Entrepreneurs: A 30 minute walking discussion of open conversation around your entrepreneurial goals and challenges. It’s an Entrepreneurial Brain Jam! So get ready to lace up your shoes to walk and talk about your business. Subscribe/Follow the podcast on the following services or wherever you listen to podcasts:…

  • Shhhh….TexasPodCon is Coming!

    Anyone who has known me from the early days of podcasting and social media will remember the whole host of user-generated conferences (camps) I spearheaded  back in the 2007-2010 time frame. From the very first PodCamp San Antonio to Barcamp to Startup Weekend to TweetCamp to MobiCamp and others. These events were how the early…

  • A Season of Busyness

    I am most busy during the January – May part of the year. A fun ongoing client project means that I’m traveling across Texas to cover weekend events. Is it tiring? Yep. Do I love what I do? Most definitely. Do I believe in the mission? You betcha! What that means is that there isn’t much…

  • Where’s the Conversation?

    There was a time when the majority of what I saw online was more conversation and less self-promotion. I miss those days. I belong to groups where the conversation is almost non-existent. Folks pop in to promote their most recent sponsored blog post, podcast episode or video creation in order to ask for likes and…

  • Beginnings, Transitions, Goodbyes

    At this time in life, there are chapters and versions of my story that require saying goodbye while others are merely transition points and even more are new beginnings. Which ones are which? This may or may not be the time and place to unpack it all, but I will say that I’m probably at…

  • Space – The Final Frontier

    After a day spent at Johnson Space Center for the State of NASA 2018 event, I was even more in awe of what the men and women at NASA are doing right now to further the mission of human space travel. It’s easy to fall in love with the final frontier of space. It has…

  • Prepping Social Engagement for #StateofNASA 2018

    One of the things I have enjoyed doing as head of Social Media Breakfast San Antonio has been to put my Social Media Reporter hat on for community and nonprofit events across the Alamo City. It’s my way of giving to my community. It’s been an honor to share my knowledge, expertise and social reach…

  • WOOT! Invited to the State of NASA at JSC

    On the off chance you missed my announcement earlier this week: For the last few years I have been wanting to attend a NASA Social event, but my schedule never quite meshed with the available opportunties. Well, this time I was in luck. Not only was the State of NASA event close to home (a…

  • Time | Team | Tools & Reality

    Best Laid Plans When it comes to any project planning, recognizing your limitations is key to accomplishing realistic expectations. We all have pie in the sky ideas for what our incredibly amazing, life/world changing project is going to be and all the phenomenal success we will have as a result. None of this will come…