When midnight strikes we all look forward to the promise of a new year. A promise that we will have more of what was wonderful in our lives and less of what pained us in the old year. We promise ourselves that this year things will be different. This will be the year we finally get everything right. This will be the year we get to actually live the perfect life we have envisioned for as long as we can remember.
Eventually reality sets in when we’re just as busy as we were the year before. Perhaps, even more so given the new resolution list we’ve added to our already busy schedule. But those resolutions are supposed to be what will give us our best life ever…..right?

In truth, those “life-changing resolutions” are much like a sparkler given to children on New Year’s Eve. A white-hot thrill which starts off exciting enough yet is too short-lived to truly meet our need for an improved life. Let’s face it, sparklers have zero staying power.
There is a point from about the middle of January to late February when we chuck all those crazy resolutions (gym membership, new fad diet…) and get back to our regular lives. Who has time for that stuff anyway? We’ve got things to do and family/friends/co-workers demanding our time. Resolutions turn into something more like “making a mess-olution” of our lives. So, we drop those promising resolutions like the proverbial hot potato and carry on with our lives. Our same old unsatisfying lives. Yep, that’s exactly what we do…..
Every. Single. Year.
What if there was a way to actually make a promise to ourselves and keep it? What if we didn’t need a new year to create a resolution? What if we could actually lead our imagined life? What would it take to make such a transformation happen?
It’s all about baby steps.
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