Tag: National Blog Post Month
NaBloPoMo Day 30 – 30 Days of Blogging Success!
I am glad to have taken part in the National Blog Post Month 2007. Coupled along with the NaPodPoMo 2007 event made two of the items on my wish list come true. At the start of it all, I said I wanted to blog and podcast more often. Although I had several podcasts and a…
NaBloPoMo Day 29 – The Tale End?
With only 1 more day to go before the NaBloPoMo challenge is complete it almost seems as though it didn’t happen at all. It has gone by relatively fast and the fact that we’ve been doing this for 29 days seems unreal. I almost don’t believe it and I’m the one who did it. So…
NaBloPoMo Day 28 – Sharing in the Community
With NaPodPoMo & NaBloPoMo & NaNoWriMo & NaVloPoMo going on all at the same time. It has really made the sense of community come alive. Even though we are all doing each of these events by ourselves we feel as though we are a small part of something bigger. Each one essential to the making…
NaBloPoMo Day 27 – Refreshing
Something I’ve learned after yesterdays frustration is that just like the Good Book says, (and I’m paraphrasing here to save me from getting up to look up the exact verse)Â “Each and every day is new”. It’s been refreshing to realize that although yesterday was a tough day that today is a day that I…
NaBloPoMo Day 26 – Simple can be difficult
I had the most difficult time today recording the podcast for today’s NaPodPoMo titled: Simple is Good. I usually record, edit and post at around 11pm right before I post my daily entry for NaBloPoMo. I’ve been crunched for time on a few shows, but because my shows are simple and single concept based it’s…
NaBloPoMo Day 25 – Recapping the fun
With NaBloPoMo coming to a close in the next 5 days, I am going to spend the next few days recapping my experience. By participating in both the NaBloPoMo & the NaPodPoMo I was able to pursue the two things I never felt I had the time to do, blogging and podcasting. Dont’ get me…
NaBloPoMo Day 24 – Surprises
Today our family ventured out to do some Christmas shopping. A few of us went to the outdoor mall, La Cantera and few others went to Wal-Mart. Those of us who went to La Cantera did window shopping while the folks who went to Wal-Mart did not. Nope. They did the real thing. Came home…
NaBloPoMo Day 23 – Missing
The holidays are a time to be thankful for all the blessings in our lives both tangible and intangible. What holidays can also be is a reminder of those who are no longer with us to participate in the holiday merriment. If you’ve lost a loved one, the holidays can be a bittersweet experience. The…
NaBloPoMo Day 22 – Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving! We, like many, are enjoying family and food. Lots and lots of food and lots and lots of pies. So very yummy. Today is the day that not only do we enjoy uninterrupted time with family, but we also get to enjoy guilt-free eating. We ate the tried and true favorites: Turkey, stuffing,…
NaBloPoMo Day 21 – Getting Ready for Family
Our family is in the last throes of a Mad Dash household cleanup. You know the fine tooth comb, white glove, dusty corner type of clean up. It is harried and busy but well worth the effort once we get together with family. I wish everyone who is traveling to spend time with their loved…